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Synonyms:Fan page
See also:fanlisting, character shrine, Geocities, Angelfire
Click here for related articles on Fanlore.

A fansite or fan website is a website that is created and run by one or more fans.Fansites started to appear in the early-to-mid 1990s.Especially in the early days of the web, such a site might actually consist of a single webpage used to declare the site owner's fannish interests, though these are often expanded over time into personal archives of fan fiction and meta. Every once in a while, we look for new official fansites, and when that happens we will publish a notification ingame. Check out our fansite policy if you have any questions! Always remember to keep your Habbo login details separate and private! Don't use them to register on any other sites.

A fansite or fan website is a website that is created and run by one or more fans. Fansites started to appear in the early-to-mid 1990s. Especially in the early days of the web, such a site might actually consist of a single webpage used to declare the site owner's fannish interests, though these are often expanded over time into personal archives of fan fiction and meta. However, other fans (or groups of fans) create larger sites aimed primarily at benefiting a fandom generally. Such sites may archive fan fiction or art by multiple creators; contain information on the original source material; provide resources for other fans to use in writing fan fiction or creating their own fansites; and/or provide links to TPTB, fan clubs, and vendors of merchandise.

Types of Fansite

Names have evolved to describe different types of fansites. It should be noted that there is often some overlap in meaning; and more than one term might apply to any particular site. Also, some of these terms—though having fannish application—are not exclusively used by fandom.

Types of fansite include:

  • Archives: sites that collect some particular type of material created by fans that might otherwise prove ephemeral (especially fan fiction, but also fan art, posts to mailing lists, screen captures, smaller websites)
  • Character shrines: sites created to glorify particular characters (or, by extension, actors or pairings)
  • Faction sites: in Forever Knight fandom, sites created by members of a faction to archive their participation in a particular subgroup within the main fandom.
  • Fanlistings: literally, lists of fans
  • Hubs: sites created to provide a central location for information about a particular fandom and its fans, especially info on other fansites and chat rooms, official websites and fan clubs, and sources of merchandise.
  • Info(rmation) sites or FAQ sites (Frequently Asked Questions): sites created to provide information about a fandom and/or its object of adoration, usually with more focus on canon than a hub would have
  • Personal sites: sites created by an individual, typically including both fan-related material (such as an archive of the owner's fanworks and meta) and more personal data (such as the fan's resumé or photographs of family and pets).
  • Resource sites: sites created to provide a resource within the fandom for other fans to use (e.g. when writing fiction or creating webpages), including information about canon, screen captures and scanned pictures, and ancillary background information (such as timelines, maps, history, lists of starships)
  • Tribute sites: often part of a personal site, created by a fan to express his/her own interest in one or more fandoms, characters, or pairings
  • War sites: in Forever Knight fandom, created to archive one of the Forever Knight Wars; or created by a faction to document its participation (often including permission slips and character info on the fans taking part).
  • Wiki: a site which users collaboratively edit (such as Fanlore), often used to create a fannish encyclopedia

Cease and Desists and purging of fan sites

By the mid-1990s, as technology and Internet access improved, more fan sites began appearing leading property owners as 20th Century Fox or Viacom to launch a legal campaign against the use of images and sound files from its properties.

See also

  • The Viacom Crackdown (1995, 2005)
  • Cease and Desist by FOX against fan sites (mid-1990s)
  • The War against Fandom (1997)
  • PotterWar (2001-2002)
  • Tripod Massacre (March 2001)
  • Strikethrough/Boldthrough (May–August 2007)
  • GeoCities Shutdown (2009)
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The Fan Sites Network has been hosting celebrity related fan sites for over 8 years. We currently have over 800 Webmasters in our fan site family. Read what our dedicated Webmasters have to say about our FREE services…

I have been hosted by for over 5 years. This is the best free fan site hosting service ever! I wouldn't dream of being hosted anywhere else. This network is like a huge family and I feel so lucky to be a part of it! Gertie and the staff are always there when you need them. You will not find another network like this one!

- Samantha

I've been with FSO for over 7 years now and I've never even remotely thought about changing hosts. Gertie and the whole staff is amazing and goes beyond what any host would do to help and support the hostees. I've never ever had the slightlest problem with any of the staff. I consider myself lucky to be part of this great community which has become more like a family than anything else. On FSO, you get unlimited bandwidth and disk space which isn't the case at other places and most importantly you get a great quality support. I can't imagine my life without in it. If you want a great host, join the FSO network! I promise you, you won't regret it!! placard. pt

- Jamie is not just only a hosting service, what that makes it different than the others is that here hostee's opinion counts, one of my favorite thing is that cares about it's members and involves them in the network's life! playbonds é confiável

Read more from KissKiss

I love to be here at because all other members are so kind and friendly, the admins are just amazing and they really offer any kind of help to us! I've enjoyed being a member, I enjoy it right now and I'm pretty sure I will enjoy staying here forever! In my opinion, this is the best hosting service in the web and I'd love to advise it to everyone who is looking for a great place to be hosted: is the right choice and you won't regret being here, ever!

- Kiss Kiss Bookshelf reading online.

FSO has been part of my life for I think 7 years now and maybe the best, most stable host I've ever had (which is saying something because my job is a customer support tech for a webhosting company). Gertie and staff go above and beyond for us and even with all of the many sites hosted at FSO we get very individual, caring support when we need it. casino de portugal

Read more from Faith

The service they offer you grows with your fansite. We have a big network here, probably 80% of the best fansites on the web are part of our family and their owners make up the wonderfully diverse and friendly FSO Network Support Forums. And not only are the amazing FSO staff willing to help, but the other hostees are on hand day and night to share what they know and help you out when you need it. I can't praise or recommend FSO and it's community enough!

- Faith

When I first came to Fan Sites Network, I was hesitant because of several reasons. However the staff here quickly made me feel welcomed and helped with things that I didn't understand at first. The community here is like a family who help each other, which is one of the biggest thrills of being hosted here. The admins are quick to answer your request and I have to say this network is the best hosting I've ever had. melhor casino online

Fansites Meaning

- Hozzy

As a hostee of The Fan Sites Network for nearly 7 years, I can say that there is no other hosting place I would rather be. Gertie and the network staff are always helpful and quick with any circumstance that has arisen - and they do it all with a great attitude. has not only have been my go-to place for all my website hosting needs - but the entire network has become my family. I'm proud to be a part of this great network!

- Jennifer

I have been hosted with for almost 2 years. I know it isn't a long time to some people's standards, but I am most certainly enjoying my time here. Not only do you get unlimited space & bandwith, free domains when permitted, but you get to enjoy the great community who is extremely helpful to their fellow webmasters. Fan-Sites.Org has one of the most nicest and best free fan site hosts you can find on the web. 888casino

Read more from toxicdesire319

Gertie goes out of her way to make sure whatever problem you are encountering gets solved asap, responds to requests in a rapidly timing manner, an is very generous when it comes to her dedicated hostees. Fan-Sites.Org is the only fan site host that I choose to have my fan sites hosted by and will continue that way in my book. So if you are looking for a free fan site host to build your fan site to show your star your devotion to them, choose Fan-Sites.Org, you won't regret it a bit!

- toxicdesire319

I've been hosted elsewhere both paid and free, but none compare to The Fan Sites Network. The staff, support, network; I couldn't possibly ask for a better host. Can't imagine ever being hosted anywhere but dafabet é confiavel

- Megan

The Fan Sites Network has been hosting celebrity fan sites for over 8 years and we have listened to our Hostees when they have asked for new features. Account features have been updated to give you all the latest in fan site hosting…

Fansite name
I have been hosted by for over 5 years. This is the best free fan site hosting service ever! I wouldn't dream of being hosted anywhere else. This network is like a huge family and I feel so lucky to be a part of it! Gertie and the staff are always there when you need them. You will not find another network like this one!

- Samantha

I've been with FSO for over 7 years now and I've never even remotely thought about changing hosts. Gertie and the whole staff is amazing and goes beyond what any host would do to help and support the hostees. I've never ever had the slightlest problem with any of the staff. I consider myself lucky to be part of this great community which has become more like a family than anything else. On FSO, you get unlimited bandwidth and disk space which isn't the case at other places and most importantly you get a great quality support. I can't imagine my life without in it. If you want a great host, join the FSO network! I promise you, you won't regret it!! placard. pt

- Jamie is not just only a hosting service, what that makes it different than the others is that here hostee's opinion counts, one of my favorite thing is that cares about it's members and involves them in the network's life! playbonds é confiável

Read more from KissKiss

I love to be here at because all other members are so kind and friendly, the admins are just amazing and they really offer any kind of help to us! I've enjoyed being a member, I enjoy it right now and I'm pretty sure I will enjoy staying here forever! In my opinion, this is the best hosting service in the web and I'd love to advise it to everyone who is looking for a great place to be hosted: is the right choice and you won't regret being here, ever!

- Kiss Kiss Bookshelf reading online.

FSO has been part of my life for I think 7 years now and maybe the best, most stable host I've ever had (which is saying something because my job is a customer support tech for a webhosting company). Gertie and staff go above and beyond for us and even with all of the many sites hosted at FSO we get very individual, caring support when we need it. casino de portugal

Read more from Faith

The service they offer you grows with your fansite. We have a big network here, probably 80% of the best fansites on the web are part of our family and their owners make up the wonderfully diverse and friendly FSO Network Support Forums. And not only are the amazing FSO staff willing to help, but the other hostees are on hand day and night to share what they know and help you out when you need it. I can't praise or recommend FSO and it's community enough!

- Faith

When I first came to Fan Sites Network, I was hesitant because of several reasons. However the staff here quickly made me feel welcomed and helped with things that I didn't understand at first. The community here is like a family who help each other, which is one of the biggest thrills of being hosted here. The admins are quick to answer your request and I have to say this network is the best hosting I've ever had. melhor casino online

Fansites Meaning

- Hozzy

As a hostee of The Fan Sites Network for nearly 7 years, I can say that there is no other hosting place I would rather be. Gertie and the network staff are always helpful and quick with any circumstance that has arisen - and they do it all with a great attitude. has not only have been my go-to place for all my website hosting needs - but the entire network has become my family. I'm proud to be a part of this great network!

- Jennifer

I have been hosted with for almost 2 years. I know it isn't a long time to some people's standards, but I am most certainly enjoying my time here. Not only do you get unlimited space & bandwith, free domains when permitted, but you get to enjoy the great community who is extremely helpful to their fellow webmasters. Fan-Sites.Org has one of the most nicest and best free fan site hosts you can find on the web. 888casino

Read more from toxicdesire319

Gertie goes out of her way to make sure whatever problem you are encountering gets solved asap, responds to requests in a rapidly timing manner, an is very generous when it comes to her dedicated hostees. Fan-Sites.Org is the only fan site host that I choose to have my fan sites hosted by and will continue that way in my book. So if you are looking for a free fan site host to build your fan site to show your star your devotion to them, choose Fan-Sites.Org, you won't regret it a bit!

- toxicdesire319

I've been hosted elsewhere both paid and free, but none compare to The Fan Sites Network. The staff, support, network; I couldn't possibly ask for a better host. Can't imagine ever being hosted anywhere but dafabet é confiavel

- Megan

The Fan Sites Network has been hosting celebrity fan sites for over 8 years and we have listened to our Hostees when they have asked for new features. Account features have been updated to give you all the latest in fan site hosting…

The Fan Sites Network has been hosting celebrity fan sites for over 8 years and we have listened to our Hostees when they have asked for new features. Account features have been updated to give you all the latest in fan site hosting conveniences. 22bet app

All Fan Sites Network sites and Webmasters will receive:

  • A YouTube clone media (like PHPmotion) site
  • 1 gig of webspace* to start
  • 100 gigs of bandwidth** to start
  • Private FTP access
  • Private cPanel admin. control panel access
  • sub-domain or Your domain name address (established domains can be transferred to our servers or I will provide you with a FREE domain name)
  • CGI, PERL, MySQL, PHP, SSI and 5 databases (More as needed on a case by case basis) betclic app
  • Access to the members area for technical support
  • Editor access to our news and updates blog
  • Celebrity domain name hosting (if applicable ***) with all the latest hosting features.
  • 5 private email accounts that can be managed via your own software (ie: Outlook) or via HORDE Web Mail
  • Fantastico De Luxe (Click here for scripts included)
  • Private Webalizer site statistics
  • The opportunity to have their personal sites hosted AD FREE
  • The opportunity to have their design sites hosted for profit

* As long as you continue to follow the rules and regulations, there is no limit to the amount of webspace you will be given. Examples:

  • currently uses 18 gigs of space
  • currently uses 13 gigs of space
  • currently uses 18 gigs of space
  • currently uses 16 gigs of space
  • currently uses 17 gigs of space

** As long as you follow the rules and regulations, use as much as you need! Of our 23 servers, 3 have unmetered bandwidth to handle even the busiest sites. Examples: betway

  • uses approximately 1450 gigs/month
  • uses approximately 800 gigs/month
  • uses approximately 300 gigs/month
  • uses approximately 750 gigs/month
  • uses approximately 180 gigs/month

*** If you have a celebrity domain name that is already an established site, I can host it for you. Deserving sites will be offered FREE domains names when they have proven to be a reliable Hostee. Over 1000 domain names have been given away so far! Click here to find out how to get your own FREE domain name.

Sabrina Carpenter Fansite

Are you ready? Then APPLY NOW!

Fill out our application and get hosted today! Please fill out this form completely and include a URL sample of your work. (MUST be an HTML/PHP sample so I know that you can code your pages) Please make sure you have read our… betano

Free Fansite Hosting

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